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发布时间:2021-06-16 23:50:55

A. “土木工程系”和“建筑系”用英文怎么说

civil engineering department
architecture department

English Department(外语系)

B. 土木建筑工程学院 用英语怎么说

School of civil engineering;

C. 建筑工程专业英语翻译!高手进!

这是reference. 每篇论文都应该有这个reference page, 目的就是标出你文章中借鉴别人的文章或者书籍的出处,方便老师或者其他学者翻阅考察。
Kumar, A., Komarneni, S., and Roy, D. M. (作者)(1987)(出版日期). "Diffusion of Cs + and CI
through sealing materials."(书名) Cem. Concr. Res.,(可能是关于这本书的类别Cement and Concrete Research这是全称 ) 17(1), 153-160.(17章节1小章 153-160页)

这些东西属于是reference list.

D. 跪求建筑专业英语翻译

Construction project cost control generally four stages to complete, including decision-making stage and early stage work in the construction project cost control plays a vital role. Construction project cost control is the construction of a core part of project management, implemented in the whole process of construction must be in the investment decision-making stage, the preliminary work phase, implementation phase, and delivery stages of completion to take effective measures, respectively. Stage in the decision-making training to strengthen the management measures, in the early stages of work on human, material, machine cost control, computer applications in the construction phase will be to control these costs, delivery and settlement stages of completion in time to make up for shortcomings eliminate unnecessary costs later.
This article describes the cost control and its main contents, lists the main methods of cost control and conditions of use, and then introces the construction project cost control, and finally with practical examples, Yiu Wah House, Garden Expo project cost control techniques are studied, targeted project cost projections, to ensure quality in construction projects while the total costs to a minimum, in order to achieve optimum business benefits and social benefits.

E. 建筑工程学院的英文怎么说

[词典] institute of civil engineering;
The design principle of the campus CATV system in Shandong University of Architecture and Engineering is reviewed.

F. 建筑工程技术专业用英语怎么翻译

Construction Engineering Technology Major

G. 建筑工程专业英语翻译

In recent years, with the construction of the national economy and technology, expanding the scale of construction, large-scale modern technology facilities, structures or increasing, and the concrete structure with its low-cost materials Wumart, to facilitate the construction, large capacity, strong decorative features, it has become increasingly Was welcomed, the mass concrete is becoming a major facility or structure constitutes an important part of the main. The so-called mass concrete, the general understanding for the larger size of the concrete, the United States gives the Institute of Concrete mass concrete definition: any cast-in-place concrete, and its size must be resolved reaching hydration heat and the subsequent problems caused by the deformation of the volume to maximum Limits to rece the impact of the crack, that is known as mass concrete. This raises the question of mass concrete crack, crack problems in the construction project with the universality of certain technical issues, once the cracks formed, in particular through the cracks in the foundation for an important part of the structure of the extremely hazardous, it will rece The rability of the structure, weakening the capacity component, will be at the same time could endanger the safe use of the building. So how to take effective measures to prevent cracking of mass concrete, is a matter of concern.

H. 建筑工程里的 英语有哪些

房子,住宅 house Haus
室内装饰 interior Inneneinrichtung
家具 furniture M(o)bel
墙壁 wall Wand
窗户 window Fenster
门 door T(u)r
地板 floor Boden
天花板 ceiling Decke
窗帘 curtain Gardine
地毯 carpet Teppich
桌子 table Tisch
书桌 desk Schreibtisch
照明,灯饰 lighting Beleuchtung
餐厅 dining room Esszimmer
卧室 bedroom Schlafzimmer
起居室,客厅 living room Wohnzimmer
浴室bathroom Badezimmer
浴缸 bathtub Badewanne
淋浴 shower Dusche
洗手间 restroom Toiletten
中文 英文 德文
椅子chair Sitzmobel
扶手椅 armchair Sessel
单人靠椅(或沙发) chair Stuhl
双人靠椅(或沙发) love seat,settee Zweisitzer
三人靠椅(或沙发) sofa Sofa
垫脚凳 ottoman Ottomane/Sofa
板凳,凳子 stool Hocker
长条椅 bench Bank
安乐椅 easy chair Lehnstuhl,Klubsessel
睡椅,沙发床 lounge chair,couch Chaiselongue
折叠椅 stacking chair Stapelbarer stuhl
装软垫的沙发 upholstery Polsterm(o)bel
鞣制皮革 tanned leather Leder
人造皮革 synthetic leather Kunstleder
椅套 covering Bezug
椅背靠档 spindle Stab,Pfosten
椅背靠板 splat,backpanel R(u)ckenlehne
椅座 seat Sitz
侧拉档 stretcher Steg
椅腿 leg Stuhlbein

I. 房屋建筑工程系用英语怎么说

Civil Engineering of Construction Department

J. 建筑类常用英语词汇


英[ˈɑːkɪtektʃə(r)] 美[ˈɑːrkɪtektʃər]

n. 建筑学; 建筑设计; 建筑风格; 体系结构; (总体、层次) 结构;

[例句]He studied classicalarchitectureand design inRome.



英[ˈskaɪskreɪpə(r)] 美[ˈskaɪskreɪpər]

n. 摩天大楼;

[例句]Theskyscrapertowers into theclouds.


3、column 英[ˈkɒləm] 美[ˈkɑːləm]

n. 柱; (通常为) 圆形石柱; 纪念柱; 圆柱状物; 柱形物; (书、报纸印刷页上的) 栏;

[例句]There were reports ofcolumnsof military vehicles appearing on thestreets.



英[ˌekskəˈveɪʃn] 美[ˌekskəˈveɪʃn]

n. (对古物的) 发掘; 发掘现场; 挖掘; 开凿; 挖土;

[例句]The Ins civilization was brought to light inexcavationby Sir John Marshall inthe1920s.


5、scaffold 英[ˈskæfəʊld] 美[ˈskæfoʊld]

n. 断头台; 绞刑架; 脚手架; 建筑架; 鹰架;

[例句]Moore ascended thescaffoldand addressed theexecutioner.



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